I feel pretty horrible at this point. Friday night I had acid reflux so badly that I threw up. Every couple minutes I this intense burning sensation in the back of my throat. I decided that I can not eat anything spicy. And Saturday night I didn't. But apparently garlic mashed potatoes is too spicy and I was miserable last night too.
Sarah suggested at my follow up today taking one teaspoon of baking soda and mixing it with a cup of warm water. Apparently this is a great way to soothe reflux even if it tastes horrible. This makes tons of sense as we make infant reflux medication out of sodium bicarbonate, which is basically baking soda in water.
My appointment went well. Dr C didn't tell me how big my follicles where this time but the ultrasound screen showed 1.38 cm! Friday I was at 10 mm. Is that even possible!?! If it's true it explains my intense backache and my tender tummy. Dr C told me I need to be careful and take it easy because my ovaries are so large. And so close to over stimulation. He wants me back tomorrow morning at 8:45 am. I don't have to use any Menopur tonight and only 50 units of Follistim tomorrow morning. Sounds like I am very close...
I'm also noticing a bit of overemotional outbursts. Over the last three or four days I keep finding myself tearing up at stupid stuff. Today I balled my eyes out over this. Yes it is sweet, but I could not stop sobbing. It was kind of funny actually.
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