
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Colic sucks

Lincoln has colic.  Lincoln makes Tony and I wish we were deaf from around 7pm to at least 11pm.  He screams, and I mean screams, full tilt the whole time.  He forgets how to eat and all of the usual tricks to soothe like rocking and bouncing, fail.  And it makes me feel like a parenting failure.

Logically I know that it is a medical thing, that nothing I do can fix it.  But emotionally it tears my heart out to see him in such a state, to hear his voice breaking from hours of screaming.  The only momentary break in the screaming comes when we set him down, alone, in his crib.  And that only lasts for a few minutes.

I know that colic is thought to be related to a baby being overstimulated and gassy.  I know that colic is defined at a period of intense crying that escalates in intensity lasting for a least three hours, three nights a week, for two weeks or more.  Well we haven't had a night off in over a week from the scream-fest that is our evening.

And it seems like the kid has a "mommy is eating dinner" sensor that turns on the early edition of crying/screaming whenever I sit down to eat.  I end up inhaling my food most nights and sick to my stomach an hour later when the screaming kicks it up a notch.

And today he got his second Hep B shot so he hasn't slept for more than fifteen minutes since 1:30pm.   And its not 10:11pm. Mommy is exhausted.  Lincoln is exhausted too, but he is fighting sleep.  Its like his mind wants to sleep but his body won't let him.  Every time he goes down for a nap his body starts jerking and he's up again.  Even with a swaddle.  Grrr.  Exhausted...

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