
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What do I make of this?

So you know I have that doctors appointment on the 26th with Dr. C.  Well today I heard something that scared the crap outta me and I don't know what to do.  A co-workers daughter, A,  has the same condition, PCOS.  She's my age but she was diagnosed much younger.  She also has more of the symptoms.  I don't know if this means its more advanced or its just the luck of the draw.  She'd told me she just didn't connect with Dr. C, that it wasn't because he was a bad doctor, just that she never felt very comfortable with him.  Perfectly valid reason for changing doctors in my opinion.  I know I would.

Today I asked my co-worker how her daughter was doing and she told me she was getting ready to have surgery.  I'd heard and read that one of the treatment options for PCOS is to drill holes in your ovaries.  This treatment is supposed to destroy part of your ovaries, and for some reason that is supposed to restore normal ovulation.  (Am I the only one that thinks its weird that drilling holes in your internal organs is supposed to be a good thing?)  Its not very commonly done but has a good success rate.  I don't know for sure that this is what A is having done, its just an educated guess, but what her Mom told me next really scared me.

She told me that A's new doctor told her she'd been wasting her time and money with Dr. C.  That he couldn't understand why Dr. C had put her through the cycles of medication because the never would have worked without this surgery because she has too many cysts.  What do I make of this?  She and I have the same condition but not necessarily the same exact damage to our ovaries.  No two cases are exactly alike.  Should I be worried?  Should I just change doctors?  I trust my referring OB/GYN and I don't think she would have sent me to Dr. C. if she didn't trust him.  And his website has all of these wonderful success stories!  Is it possible that A's condition is just that bad?

I told Tony that I think we'll keep the appointment and I will just ask Dr. C. about this.  I just need to find a way to do it without insulting him and his staff.  I don't think "hi, my friend saw you a while back and you put her through all this shit and in the end it was just a waste of time and money, are you incompetent or just greedy" is a good approach.  Perhaps I just tell him that I read about laproscopic ovarian drilling and was wondering what it is and who is a candidate.  And if I don't like him or his answers, then I'll look into one of the other specialists in the area.

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