
Friday, September 16, 2011

A new goal

So remember when I mentioned that I'd lost 30 lbs a while back?  Well I'm pretty sure I've put at least 10 lbs of it back on.  My scale is not super accurate so it could be plus or minus a few pounds, but basically about 10 lbs.  All in all, that's not too bad.  In a perfect world I would have kept on losing (or at the very least kept it all off,) but this is no perfect world and I don't have the time for a perfect diet.

I've decided to try again, but through different means.  It might take longer but hopefully the benefits to my health will be greater.  I'm going to change the way I eat all over again.  This time I'm not going to so much count calories as try eating like a diabetic.  Watching my refined sugars, carbohydrates, and starchy foods should work for me in two ways, weight loss and minimizing my risk for diabetes.

Right now I'm fortunate enough to not be insulin resistant, which happens with this condition, but that may not last forever.  Keeping my diet diabetic friendly should help keep that added symptom away.  I already have a family history of diabetics, and now PCOS adds more weight to that already present genetic slant. 

Diabetes would add a whole new level of complication to my life.  It already seems like with my thyroid and PCOS that I'm a frequent flier at the doctors office not to mention a human pin cushion!  I hate blood tests!  Plus, if when I am fortunate enough to get pregnant (positive outlook!) I am more prone to gestational diabetes. 

So... Starting Sunday I'm going to begin my research and planning portion of my new eating plan.  I'm want to find out exactly how much of what I should be eating.  I also want to come up with a menu plan with options, and you know some of them have to be quick and easy.  Once I have a little better idea of exactly how dramatic this change will be I'll decide if I want to ease in or just dive into it.  But my goal is to start this transition next Saturday, the day after I get paid so I hit the store and stock up on all of my new staples.

The other thing about this is Tony.  I don't want to have to make two meals a night so whatever I plan has to meet with his dietary restrictions too.  He can't have salad, corn, nuts, seeds, and a bunch of other stuff.  He also doesn't like a lot of the things that I do.  But he's willing to try whatever I make at least once.

I don't have a specific goal as to how much I want to lose, or what size I want to fit into.  I just know that I want to increase my odds of getting pregnant, having a healthy pregnancy, and decrease my odds of ending up with type two diabetes.  But I have to change the way I eat, not just diet

Once I've got my eating plan I'll share it on here.  Then, I'll do a recap of my diet, any good recipes I found, and my progress. 

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